Almost everything modern society does these days requires electric power. Just look around your room or office, you can probably see a light switch and its connected fixture, a temperature controller for heating or air conditioning, a computer monitor, mouse, and keyboard, and more. These are simple systems, so consider the kind of power necessary to run an entire office building, an airport, or a factory!
Whenever you have large, power-hungry systems involved you need to make sure that your power distribution system is robust and versatile enough to handle all that electricity and make sure it goes to where you need it to! So, let’s take a look at how and why this is so important to any project that requires large amounts of power.
Efficiency – this is a top priority considering different environments require different setups. For example, providing power to an entire department store is different from providing it to a convenience store. Having a streamlined power distribution infrastructure designed specifically for the environment it’s intended for will minimise any power waste, helping to save on costs by making the most of the power available. The larger the demand for power, the more potential there is for wastage, so optimising energy consumption is always important.
Maintaining efficiency is also critical to the integrity of the equipment used. For example, powerful generators might be damaged if they’re made to run at insufficient capacity for a long period of time. Managing power distribution protects equipment from unnecessary wear and tear – a high priority for any project!
Reliability – Well-designed power distribution systems are equipped to minimise any chance of outages or downtime, making them invaluable for any scenario or setting. Everybody dreads electrical outages, not just for the immediate problems they cause, but also for the long-term effects on the business’s reputation.
One example is the cinema, if there is a major power outage during a movie the crowd will soon feel uncomfortable, and no one likes to sit and wait in the quiet and darkness! If the power stays off the unhappy crowd has to file out creating a safety risk, and then they will need to have their money refunded. Worse yet, the next time they go out to see a movie they will probably pick a different theatre, a disaster any way you look at it. A proper power distribution system prevents such grievous problems.